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10) MARIJUANA USE HAS NO EFFECT ON MORTALITY: A massive study of California HMO members funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) found marijuana use caused no significant increase in mortality. Tobacco use was associated with increased risk of death.

Sidney, S et al. Marijuana Use and Mortality. American Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 87 No. 4, April 1997. p. 585-590. Sept. 2002.

9) HEAVY MARIJUANA USE AS A YOUNG ADULT WON’T RUIN YOUR LIFE: Veterans Affairs scientists looked at whether heavy marijuana use as a young adult caused long-term problems later, studying identical twins in which one twin had been a heavy marijuana user for a year or longer but had stopped at least one month before the study, while the second twin had used marijuana no more than five times ever. Marijuana use had no significant impact on physical or mental health care utilization, health-related quality of life, or current socio-demographic characteristics.

Eisen SE et al. Does Marijuana Use Have Residual Adverse Effects on Self-Reported Health Measures, Socio-Demographics or Quality of Life? A Monozygotic Co-Twin Control Study in Men.
Addiction. Vol. 97 No. 9. p.1083-1086. Sept. 1997

8) THE “GATEWAY EFFECT” MAY BE A MIRAGE: Marijuana is often called a “gateway drug” by supporters of prohibition, who point to statistical “associations” indicating that persons who use marijuana are more likely to eventually try hard drugs than those who never use marijuana – implying that marijuana use somehow causes hard drug use. But a model developed by RAND Corp. researcher Andrew Morral demonstrates that these associations can be explained “without requiring a gateway effect.” More likely, this federally funded study suggests, some people simply have an underlying propensity to try drugs, and start with what’s most readily available.

Morral AR, McCaffrey D and Paddock S. Reassessing the Marijuana Gateway Effect.
Addiction. December 2002. p. 1493-1504.

7) PROHIBITION DOESN’T WORK (PART I): The White House had the National Research Council examine the data being gathered about drug use and the effects of U.S. drug policies. NRC concluded, “the nation possesses little information about the effectiveness of current drug policy, especially of drug law enforcement.” And what data exist show “little apparent relationship between severity of sanctions prescribed for drug use and prevalence or frequency of use.” In other words, there is no proof that prohibition – the cornerstone of U.S. drug policy for a century – reduces drug use.

National Research Council. Informing America’s Policy on Illegal Drugs: What We Don’t Know Keeps Hurting Us. National Academy Press, 2001. p. 193.

6) PROHIBITION DOESN’T WORK (PART II): DOES PROHIBITION CAUSE THE “GATEWAY EFFECT”?): U.S. and Dutch researchers, supported in part by NIDA, compared marijuana users in San Francisco, where non-medical use remains illegal, to Amsterdam, where adults may possess and purchase small amounts of marijuana from regulated businesses. Looking at such parameters as frequency and quantity of use and age at onset of use, they found no differences except one: Lifetime use of hard drugs was significantly lower in Amsterdam, with its “tolerant” marijuana policies. For example, lifetime crack cocaine use was 4.5 times higher in San Francisco than Amsterdam.

Reinarman, C, Cohen, PDA, and Kaal, HL. The Limited Relevance of Drug Policy: Cannabis in Amsterdam and San Francisco. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 94, No. 5. May 2004. p. 836-842.

5) OOPS, MARIJUANA MAY PREVENT CANCER (PART I): Federal researchers implanted several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung cancers, in mice, then treated them with cannabinoids (unique, active components found in marijuana). THC and other cannabinoids shrank tumors and increased the mice’s lifespans.

Munson, AE et al. Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Sept. 1975. p. 597-602.

4) OOPS, MARIJUANA MAY PREVENT CANCER, (PART II): In a 1994 study the government tried to suppress, federal researchers gave mice and rats massive doses of THC, looking for cancers or other signs of toxicity. The rodents given THC lived longer and had fewer cancers, “in a dose-dependent manner” (i.e. the more THC they got, the fewer tumors).

NTP Technical Report On The Toxicology And Carcinogenesis Studies Of 1-Trans- Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, CAS No. 1972-08-3, In F344/N Rats And B6C3F Mice, Gavage Studies. See also, “Medical Marijuana: Unpublished Federal Study Found THC-Treated Rats Lived Longer, Had Less Cancer,” AIDS Treatment News no. 263, Jan. 17, 1997.

3) OOPS, MARIJUANA MAY PREVENT CANCER (PART III): Researchers at the Kaiser-Permanente HMO, funded by NIDA, followed 65,000 patients for nearly a decade, comparing cancer rates among non-smokers, tobacco smokers, and marijuana smokers. Tobacco smokers had massively higher rates of lung cancer and other cancers. Marijuana smokers who didn’t also use tobacco had no increase in risk of tobacco-related cancers or of cancer risk overall. In fact their rates of lung and most other cancers were slightly lower than non-smokers, though the difference did not reach statistical significance.

Sidney, S. et al. Marijuana Use and Cancer Incidence (California, United States). Cancer Causes and Control.
Vol. 8. Sept. 1997, p. 722-728.

2) OOPS, MARIJUANA MAY PREVENT CANCER (PART IV): Donald Tashkin, a UCLA researcher whose work is funded by NIDA, did a case-control study comparing 1,200 patients with lung, head and neck cancers to a matched group with no cancer. Even the heaviest marijuana smokers had no increased risk of cancer, and had somewhat lower cancer risk than non-smokers (tobacco smokers had a 20-fold increased lung cancer risk).

Tashkin D. Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer: Results of a Case-Control Study.
American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 23, 2006.

1) MARIJUANA DOES HAVE MEDICAL VALUE: In response to passage of California’s medical marijuana law, the White House had the Institute of Medicine (IOM) review the data on marijuana’s medical benefits and risks. The IOM concluded, “Nausea, appetite loss, pain and anxiety are all afflictions of wasting, and all can be mitigated by marijuana.” While noting potential risks of smoking, the report acknowledged there is no clear alternative for people suffering from chronic conditions that might be relieved by smoking marijuana, such as pain or AIDS wasting. The government’s refusal to acknowledge this finding caused co-author John A. Benson to tell the New York Times that the government loves to ignore our report; they would rather it never happened. (Joy, JE, Watson, SJ, and Benson, JA. Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base.

National Academy Press. 1999. p. 159. See also, Harris, G. FDA Dismisses Medical Benefit From Marijuana.
New York Times. Apr. 21, 2006)

Prescription drugs kill about 100,000 people in the world each year. Off the top of your head, do you know how many deaths are caused by using marijuana, either medicinally or recreationally?

“There are no deaths from cannabis use. Anywhere. You can’t find one,” said Dr. Lester Grinspoon, professor emeritus at Harvard Medical School. Believe it: In 10,000 years of known use of cannabis, there’s never been a single death attributed to marijuana.

“I’ve heard you have to smoke something like 15,000 joints in 20 minutes to get a toxic amount of delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol,” said Dr. Paul Hornby, a biochemist and human pathologist who also happens to be one of the leading authorities on cannabis research. “I challenge anybody to do that.”

Meanwhile, it’s a fact that anyone can die from ingesting too much aspirin, or too much coffee, or too much wine. Marijuana, on the other hand, medical or not, is not only non-lethal, but likely beneficial. Several studies, some published as recently as a few months ago, have shown that marijuana can even be good for your health, and could help treat conditions better than the solutions being cooked up in the labs.

The late Dr. Tod Mikuriya, a former national administrator of the U.S.
government’s marijuana research programs, appeared in a film about the
business of marijuana prohibition shortly before his 2007 death called “The Union.” (The full movie is available on both Netflix and YouTube.)

“After dealing with about 10,000 patents in the last 15 years, I’d say about 200 different medical conditions respond favorably to cannabis,” Mikuriya said. We won’t go through all 200 conditions here, but here are 10 of the most notable, common conditions, afflictions and diseases that marijuana has been proven to help.

Alzheimer’s disease – In 2006, the Scripps Research Institute in California discovered that delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, can prevent an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase from accelerating the formation of “Alzheimer’s plaques” in the brain, as well as protein clumps that can inhibit cognition and memory, more effectively than commercially marketed drugs.

Epilepsy – A study performed by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth
University discovered that ingredients found in natural marijuana “play a critical role in controlling spontaneous seizures in epilepsy.” Dr. Robert J. DeLorenzo, professor of neurology at the VCU School of Medicine, added that “Although marijuana is illegal in the United States, individuals both here and abroad report that marijuana has been therapeutic for them in the treatment of a variety of ailments, including epilepsy.”

Multiple sclerosis – It’s long been believed that smoking pot helps MS patients, and a study published as recently as May provided yet another clinical trial as evidence of marijuana’s impact on multiple sclerosis patients with muscle spasticity. Even though the drug has been known to cause dizziness and fatigue in some users, most MS patients report marijuana not only helps ease the pain in their arms and legs when they painfully contract, but also helps them just “feel good.” How many prescription drugs can say their side effects include “happiness”?

Glaucoma – Since the 1970s, studies have called medical marijuana an effective treatment against glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. Researchers say marijuana helps reduce and relieve the intraocular pressure that causes optic nerve damage, but the proponents say it helps “reverse deterioration,” too.

Arthritis – Marijuana proves useful for many types of chronic pain conditions, but patients with rheumatoid arthritis report less pain, reduced inflammation and more sleep. However, this is not to say that arthritis patients should exchange their medication with pot; marijuana eases the pain, but it does nothing to ameliorate or curb the disease.

Depression – A study on addictive behaviors published by USC and SUNY Albany in 2005, whose 4,400 participants made it the largest investigation of marijuana and depression to date, found that “those who consume marijuana occasionally or even daily have lower levels of depressive symptoms than those who have never tried marijuana.” The study added that “weekly users had less depressed mood, more positive affect, and fewer somatic complaints than non-users.”

Anxiety – An article published in the April 2010 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, “Medical marijuana and the mind,” said that while “many recreational users say that smoking marijuana calms them down, for others it has the opposite effect. … Studies report that about 20 to 30 percent of recreational users experience such problems after smoking marijuana.” The article did not mention which “studies” supported this fact, and most marijuana users would call this claim totally erroneous. Here’s a story from Patsy Eagan of Elle Magazine, who describes how she prefers marijuana to treat her anxiety over prescription drugs.

Hepatitis C – A 2006 study performed by researchers at the University of
California at San Francisco found that marijuana helps improve the effectiveness of drug therapy for hepatitis C, an infection that roughly 3 million Americans contract each year. Hepatitis C medications often have severe side effects like loss of appetite, depression, nausea, muscle aches and extreme fatigue. Patients that smoked marijuana every day or two found that not only did they complete the therapy, but that the marijuana even made it more effective in achieving a “sustained virological response,” which is the gold standard in therapy, meaning there was no sign of the virus left in their bodies.

Morning sickness – In a peer-reviewed study, researchers at the British
Columbia Compassion Club Society found that 92 percent of women found marijuana’s effect on morning sickness symptoms as either “very effective” or effective.” Read the first-hand account from Dr. Wei-Ni Lin Curry, who describes how medical marijuana saved her from a potentially life-threatening situation:

“Within two weeks of my daughter’s conception, I became desperately
nauseated and vomited throughout the day and night. … I vomited bile of every shade, and soon began retching up blood. … I felt so helpless and distraught that I went to the abortion clinic twice, but both times I left without going through the with procedure. … Finally I decide to try medical cannabis. … Just one to two little puffs at night, and if I needed in the morning, resulted in an entire day of wellness. I went from not eating, not drinking, not functioning, and continually vomiting and bleeding from two orifices to being completely cured. … Not only did
the cannabis save my [life] during the duration of my hyperemesis, it saved the life of the child within my womb.”

Most prospective mothers will worry about the effect of ingesting marijuana in any form on their baby’s development. The only study that showed any effect from smoking pot came from the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Medicine in 2008, which showed that heavy smoking “during the first trimester was associated with lower verbal reasoning,” while “heavy use during the second trimester predicted
deficits in the composite, short-term memory, and quantitative scores.” Though this singular study may be enough to scare away some mothers, the majority of studies say prenatal pot exposure “is not a major prognostic factor regarding the outcome of pregnancy,” and that “marijuana has no reliable impact on birth size, length of gestation … or the occurrence of physical abnormalities.” Compared to mothers that used tobacco and alcohol, all of whom showed “increased risk of
suspect or definite psychotic symptoms (in offspring),” mothers’ cannabis use “was not associated with psychotic symptoms” in their children.

Cancer, HIV/AIDS and chemotherapy – Though the drug is illegal in the U.S., the FDA and American Cancer Society agree that the active ingredients in marijuana, or cannabinoids, have been approved by officials to “relieve nausea and vomiting and increase appetite in people with cancer and AIDS.” The American Cancer Society says that “marijuana has anti-bacterial properties, inhibits tumor growth, and enlarges the airways, which they believe can ease the severity of asthma attacks.”

Marijuana: Why Is It Illegal Again?

This is too big of a question to answer in just one single article, but looking at cannabis through the lens of its medical properties, there seem to be few, if any, reasons to keep marijuana off the market. It doesn’t kill, and while it may not be as effective as other treatments, it doesn’t seem to get in the way much.
When Mikuriya was asked if there was a product out there today – anything – that has as many benefits as medical marijuana, he said simply: “No.”

Medical marijuana may be beneficial for everyone’s health, but it’s not very healthy for the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. And unfortunately for Americans in need of a cheap, all-natural alternative medicine, the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest industry in America with powerful connections in high places. And they don’t like marijuana. At all.
“It’s unlimited,” Hornby said of marijuana. “Grow more, get more medicine.
Pharmaceutical companies don’t want you growing your own medicine.”
The idea of legalizing a cheap, all-natural medicine that grows out of the dirt is a threat to the pharmaceutical industry’s bottom line.

Dr. James Hudson, professor emeritus at University of British Columbia’s
Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine, said pharmaceutical companies have a great incentive to recreate the organic compounds in marijuana and sell a drug from it, rather than just release the all-natural version to the public.
“The prime motivation behind any drug company is to make money, and as much money as possible. In the case of a synthetic compound, if it’s only an ingredient from the cannabis, they can formulate that as a drug and make a lot more money off of it.”

Since no company can patent a plant, pharmaceutical industries are incentivized to keep cannabis and industrial hemp illegal as they try to recreate the same drug with the same effects. Obviously, there is a great deal of “double talk” in this argument – How can the government prohibit marijuana but allow an identical drug with identical effects? – but ultimately, it comes down to money.

“There’s no money to be made off natural plants,” said Dana Larsen, founding editor of Cannabis Culture magazine. “If you use a natural medicine that you can grow in your own home that costs pennies to use, you’re going to do that.”
Yet, the facts remain: Prescription drugs, while legal, are experimental,
dangerous and often toxic. Prescription drugs continue to kill tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Americans each year; meanwhile, marijuana has never been the direct contributor to a single death. Maybe we should focus less on making natural plants extinct and focus more on controlling the drugs that we’re actually responsible for.
New Study Shows Cannabinoids Improve Efficiency Of Mitochondria And Remove Damaged Brain Cells

A recent study conducted by Andras Biokei-Gorzo at the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany is suggesting that marijuana(or the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system) triggers the release of antioxidants, which act as a cleansing mechanism. This process is known to remove damaged cells and improve the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria is the energy source that powers cells. The study was published in Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society, B. You can read the entire study here.

These discoveries shed new insight on how natural marijuana cannabinoids hold the capacity to literally kill the brain inflammation responsible for causing cognitive decline, neural failure, and brain degeneration. By supplying these receptor sites with cannabinoids, patients may be able to overcome brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and more, not to mention premature brain aging. The human brain contains an extensive network of special receptor sites that modulate nervous system function only when activated by the appropriate cannabinoid compounds, which are found in the marijuana plant.

Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate canbinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. Cannabinoids also play a role in immune system generation and re-generation. The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with Phyto-Cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can also be found in Cannabis. Cannabinoids may very well be the best cancer fighting substance out there!

Cannabinoid system activity is neuroprotective, and increasing it could be a promising strategy for slowing down the progression of brain aging and for alleviating the systems of neurodegenerative disorders -Andras Biokei
Gery Wenk, a professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University conducted some of the research that came out of the study from Germany. He stated that this is a positive step, and that it is encouraging to see the potential development of cannabinoid solutions without going overboard. Here is what he said.

I’ve been trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years; cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective. I think that the perception about this drug is changing and in the future people will be less fearful. – Gerry Wenk, Professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University
Biokei-Gorzo and his collegues said that the greatest hurdle for moving forward with their research are the social and political challenges. This isn’t something new, our world seems to be dominated by belief systems instead of obvious fact. It’s discouraging to see beliefs and persuasion overrule truth. At the same time it’s very encouraging to see truth slowly creep its way into the norm. That’s always how it has been done throughout human history. It’s quite evident that the powers that be do not want to legalize marijuana, and we know that they do not have our best interest at hand. If it was legalized, I’m sure it would be distributed and tweaked by big pharmaceutical companies.

On the other hand there have been a number of studies that show how marijuana can actually reduce brain power and impair working memory. The amount of studies that show the potential benefits of marijuana is outstanding, and the potential harmful effects are in the few, if any at all. As far as medicinal use goes, I think that is a no brainer. I definitely believe nature intended marijuana to be used for its health and healing properties.
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By spliff
Expert calls for marijuana to be legalised to reduce harm of binge drinking in teens


THE head of Australia's leading alcohol research body has called for marijuana to be legalised to reduce the harm of drinking.

Robin Room, director of the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, says marijuana should be legalised under strict controls because the social harm associated with it was significantly less than from drinking.

"It makes sense to legalise marijuana in a controlled market," he told the Herald Sun yesterday. "We are in a situation where we need to look ahead. I think we need to have the discussion and it makes a lot of sense in terms of, among others, cutting down government costs to have a fairly highly controlled legal (cannabis) market and, while we are at it, tighten up the legal market of alcohol in the same way we tightened up the market of tobacco."

Prof Room, a leading academic at Melbourne University, is funded by the Department of Human Services.

In an ideal world, Prof Room said teens would not smoke marijuana or drink alcohol to excess.

But if an 18-year-old was going to use substances, he said they would likely land themselves in less trouble after using cannabis rather than bingeing on alcohol.

Teens were "better off" on a mixture of booze and marijuana rather than just pure alcohol in social settings, he added. Alcohol was more dangerous than cannabis because it had a closer association with aggression and violence, loss of co-ordination and impacts on work and family life, he said.

"Cannabis is not without harm but it's substantially less than alcohol and tobacco in terms of social harm," he said.

"If you are adding the cannabis to an equal amount of alcohol, then in some ways you'd be probably less likely to be aggressive but it's a bad idea to add it on if you want to drive a car."

Prof Room said if marijuana were legalised, among the measures to control the use should be "state sellers" and "state stores" where sales were regulated. It should not be sold in supermarkets nor advertised on TV or at sporting matches.

While Prof Room acknowledged many people would be "surprised" and even "bothered" by his stance, the statistics backed him up.

The controversial proposal comes as Melbourne continues to battle booze-fuelled violence, and alcohol-related hospital admissions soar for men and women." target="_blank" target="_blank
D.C. Councilmember: ‘Marijuana Does Not Do Harm, It’s Not A Gateway Drug’

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — A bill introduced Wednesday by D.C. Councilmember Tommy Wells would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana in the nation’s capital.

The bill would make possession of less than one ounce of marijuana a civil offense punishable by a $100 fine.

The measure was prompted in part by an American Civil Liberties Union report that found the District of Columbia leads the nation in per capita arrests for marijuana possession.

Councilmember David Grosso, one of nine co-sponsors of the bill, strongly supports decriminalization in the District for a multitude of reasons.

“It’s time for us to recognize that marijuana does not do harm,” said Grosso. “It’s not a gateway drug like people think it is. It’s not causing massive accidents or causing people to go crazy on the streets. And it’s just leading a lot of kids right to jail. Until they’re able to purchase this in a regular store and not have any consequences, that’s what it’s going to continue to do.”

Gun Advocate Refuses to Speak In Court, Held Without Bond

The ACLU report also states about 90 percent of those arrested for marijuana possession are black.

“For too many years we’ve put non-violent drug offenders behind bars, disproportionately affecting African-American males, especially in the District of Columbia,” Grosso said. “It’s time for us to step up and stop that from happening. The way to stop that is decriminalization.”

Grosso was elected as an at-large councilmember last November.

Mayor Vincent Gray has not taken a position on decriminalization, but a spokesman says “he welcomes the discussion.”

The District has also legalized medical marijuana.
Uglavnom svako ovo zna al nije od zgorega postaviti kad krenu ovakva istrazivanja

Zdravstvene teškoće

Marihuana je štetna i rizična po zdravlje. Veoma je teško precizno ispitivati dejstvo marihuane, s obzirom na činjenicu da ne postoji sistem u našem organizmu na koji ona ne deluje. Pored toga, ova droga u sebi kombinuje dejstvo različitih kategorija opijata, kao što su alkohol, sredstva za smirenje ili halucinogene droge.

Marihuana može biti štetna na mnogo načina, kako u trenutku uzimanja, tako i tokom dužeg vremena konzumiranja.

Upotreba marihuane prouzrokuje:

Probleme sa pamćenjem i učenjem; zaboravljanje; gubitak koordinacije; dezorijentisanost; iskrivljenu percepciju; ubrzani rad srca; anksioznost i napade panike; napade paranoje, straha i smeha; napetost; zakrvavljene oči; povećan apetit;

Posledice korišćenja marihuane:

Oštećenje mozga i centralnog nervnog sistema, poremećaji u reproduktivnim organima i radu srca, povećanje krvnog pritiska, rak.

Uticaj na mozak

THC oštećuje nervne ćelije u delu mozgu zaduženom za pamćenje. Naučnici su otkrili da THC menja način na koji informacije dolaze do mozga i prerađuju se u hipokampusu (limbički sistem mozga koji je od presudnog značaja za učenje, pamćenje i integraciju iskustava sa emocijama i motivacijom). Neuroni u sistemu prerađivanja informacija u hipokampusu i aktivnost nervnih vlakana u ovom području ometeni su prisustvom THC-a.

Dugotrajna upotreba marihuane stvara promene u mozgu slične onima koje stvara dugotrajno konzumiranje većine drugih droga.

Uticaj na pluća

Onaj ko redovno puši marihuanu ima respiratorne probleme slične onima koje imaju pušači duvana: svakodnevno kašljanje i iskašljavnje šlajma, simptome hroničnog bronhitisa i česte prehlade. Pušenjem "trave" se povećava rizik od pojave bronhitisa i upale pluća, a pet xointa nedeljno, u tom smislu, predstavljaju ekvivalent dnevno popušenoj pakli cigareta.

Osim prisustva THC-a, količina katrana koji udahnu pušači marihuane i nivo karbon monoksida koji se apsorbuje su tri do pet puta veći nego kod pušača duvana. Ovo može biti zbog toga što korisnici marihuane dublje udišu dim i duže ga zadržavaju u plućima kao i zbog toga što se dim marihuane ne filtrira.
Dugotrajno pušenje marihuane izaziva oštećenje ili uništenje plućnog tkiva što dovodi do abnormalne funkcije pluća kao i do emfizema i raka pluća i disajnih puteva.

Uticaj na srce i krvni pritisak

Upotreba, marihuane izaziva ubrzani rad srca i povišen krvni pritisak. Najnovija otkrića ukazuju da pušenje marihuane i istovremeno intravenozno uzimanje kokaina prouzrokuju preopterećenje kardiovaskularnog sistema.

Uticaj na trudnoću

Upotreba bilo koje droge škodi zdravlju žene u trudnoći, periodu kada ona treba posebno da se neguje i brine o sebi i svom zdravlju. Zloupotreba droga je u suprotnosti sa pravilnom ishranom i kontrolisanim aktivnostima tokom trudnoće i nepovoljno utiče na funkcionisanje imunološkog sistema a može naškoditi i fetusu. Istraživanja pokazuju da su bebe rođene od majki koje su u toku trudnoće uzimale marihuanu lakše i imaju manju glavu od beba čije majke tokom trudnoće nisu uzimale ovu drogu.

Manje bebe imaju većih zdravstvenih problema od većih beba. Postoje studije koje ukazuju na probleme nervnog sistema i koncentracije kod dece čije su majke pušile marihuanu za vreme trudnoće. Dojilje koje uzimaju marihuanu, putem mleka prenose određenu količinu THC-a na bebu. Konzumiranje marihuane tokom prvog meseca dojenja može da uspori razvoj motorike (kontrolisanje pokreta) kod bebe.

Uticaj intezivnog konzumiranja marihuane na učenje, ponašanje i motivaciju

Kod nekih korisnika koji dugo uzimaju marihuanu vidljivi su nagoveštaji gubitka motivacije (amotivacioni sindrom). Takve osobe ne zanima šta se s njima dešava, nemaju želju za svakodnevnim radom, premoreni su i zanemaruju sopstveni izgled. Oni koji rade ili idu u školu postižu slabe rezultate.

Jedna studija sprovedena među srednjoškolcima pokazuje da vitalne sposobnosti vezane za koncentraciju, učenje i pamćenje izuzetno slabe kod onih koji redovno uzimaju marihuanu, čak i posle prekida od 24 sata. Upotreba marihuane među tinejxerima prouzrokuje slabiji uspeh u školi, devijantno ponašanje, delikvenciju i agresivnost, suprotstavljanje i loše odnose sa roditeljima, druženje sa delinkventima i uživaocima droga.

Takođe, istraživanja pokazuju regresivno ponašanje (sisanje prsta, bes) kod dece predškolskog uzrasta čiji roditelji uzimaju marihuanu, nego kod dece čiji roditelji ne konzumiraju ovu drogu.


Zavisnost od bilo koje droge postoji kad postoji snažna, nekontrolisana želja i potreba za njenim konzumiranjem, uprkos saznanjima o negativnim zdravstvenim i društvenim posledicama. Marihuana zadovoljava ovaj kriterijum.

Postoje mišljenja da marihuana ne izaziva zavisnost, međutim najnovija istraživanja su pokazala da se kod ove droge dugotrajnim korišćenjem podiže prag osetljivosti uživaoca i povećava se njegova tolerancija na drogu, pri čemu se razvija i zavisnost. Kao i kod drugih oblika zavisnosti, i u ovom se slučaju pojavljuju prateći efekti. Neki teški korisnici pokazuju znakove zavisnosti, jer kad ne uzimaju drogu javlja se apstinencijalna kriza: nemir, gubitak apetita, nesanica, gubitak težine i drhtanje ruku.

Prema jednoj studiji, kod mladih koji uzimaju marihuanu i kod kojih je ranije zabeleženo antisocijalno ponašanje brzo je došlo do stvaranja zavisnosti na ovu drogu. Ova je studija, takođe, pokazala da je kod problematične omladine koja puši cigarete, uzima alkohol i marihuanu, napredovanje od prvog do redovnog uzimanja marihuane bilo toliko kao napredovanje do redovnog pušenja cigareta, a još veće nego do redovnog uzimanja alkohola.

Izmeđuu ostalog, istraživanja na životinjama sugerišu da marihuana stvara i fizičku zavisnost, što se potvrđuje apstinencijalnim krizama kod ljudi. Kod redovnih korisnika marihuane može se razviti "tolerancija" što znači da su im potrebne veće količine droge da bi se postigli željeni rezultati, koje su ranije postizali s manjim dozama.


Prema podacima NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), u SAD više od 120.000 ljudi godišnje započne lečenje zavisnosti od marihuane. Do pre nekoliko godina bilo je teško pronaći program lečenja. Lečenje ove zavisnosti bilo je isto kao i lečenje zavisnosti od drugih droga.

To je uključivalo detoksifikaciju, terapiju ponašanja i terapijske grupe. Odnedavno, istraživači testiraju različite načine da korisnike marihuane uključe u terapiju i da im pomognu pri odvikavanju. Program lečenja je usmeren na savetovanje i sistem grupne podrške.

Koliko marihuana ostaje u organizmu?

Posle konzumiranja marihuane, njen glavni halucinogeni sastojak, THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), ostaje u organizmu od 3 do 30 dana u zavisnosti od metabolizma osobe. Ako se bas konkretno trazi da li je neko konzumirao marihuanu, ispitivanje mora da se radi direktno za THC, odnosno na opojne droge.

Po konzumiranju marihuane, THC ostavlja tragove u plucima, krvi, mozgu, jetri, masnom tkivu, bubrezima i kosi. Obicno se testovi na opojne droge rade na mokracu i tu se moze ustanoviti prisustvo THC do 30, a u zavisnosti od metabolizma ispitanika, i do 45 dana. Novija istrazivanja u SAD pokazuju da tragovi THC najduze ostaje u korenu kose i to cak do 3 godine od konzumiranja.

Medjutim, danas postoje razne supstance koje mogu uspesno da odstrane THC, a i ostale narkotike i halucinogene supstance iz organizma, bar tako tvrde proizvodjaci tih sredstava (Marihuana Detox Kits).
A new study published by the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, and conducted by researchers at McMaster University, has concluded that THC – a prime compound in cannabis - may protect the body against digestive disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease.

Researchers for the study used THC on rats, andfound that the substance “could protect the lining of the stomach and intestine from injury and accelerate healing from inflammation.”

During the study, researchers found the THC to be useful even when given in small enough doses to not produce the “high” that typically comes with it: “We were getting effects locally in the lining of the intestine and the stomach without producing high enough blood levels of THC to cause behavioral changes”.

Those interested in reading the full study – which was funded by the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada - can do so by clicking here -> ... rticle.pdf" target="_blank
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By spliff
Cannabis Can Prevent Cancer Caused by Cigarette Use, According to New Study

A new study published by the journal J-Stage, and funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, has found that cannabinoidsjoint – whether THC, CBD or CBDV – were effective at blocking a certain enzyme which is known to cause cancer, and is produced in large amount when cigarettes are consumed.
“These results suggest that the pentylresorcinol structure in CBD may have structurally important roles in direct CYP1A1 inhibition, although the whole structure of CBD is required for overall inhibition”, according to researchers.
CYP1A1 is an enzyme which isn’t dangerous at low-levels, but is produced in large quantities when someone smokes cigarettes; at large doses, the enzyme has been linked to cancer.
Researchers state that; “Accordingly, CBD and its related compounds, which are potent inhibitors of CYP1A1 activity, would be useful as a lead compound in anticancer chemotherapy.”

- TheJointBlog
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By Pipin
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The International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol. It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five items are magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and sodium bicarbonate. It makes perfect sense to drop hemp oil right into the middle of this nutritional crossfire of anti cancer medicines, which are all available without prescription.

Hemp oil has long been recognised as one of the most versatile and beneficial substances known to man. Derived from hemp seeds (a member of the achene family of fruits) it has been regarded as a superfood due to its high essential fatty acid content and the unique ratio of omega3 to omega6 and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) – 2:5:1. Hemp oil, is known to contain up to 5% of pure GLA, a much higher concentration than any other plant, even higher than spirulina. For thousands of years, the hemp plant has been used in elixirs and medicinal teas because of its healing properties and now medical science is zeroing in on the properties of its active substances.

Both the commercial legal type of hemp oil and the illegal THC laden hemp oil are one of the most power-packed protein sources available in the plant kingdom. Its oil can be used in many nutritional and transdermal applications. In other chapters in my Winning the War on Cancer book we will discuss in-depth about GLA and cancer and also the interesting work of Dr. Johanna Budwig. She uses flax seed oil instead of hemp oil to cure cancer – through effecting changes in cell walls – using these omega3 and omega6 laden medicinal oils.

Actually there is another way to use medical marijuana without smoking the leaf. According to Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya, “The usual irritating and toxic breakdown products of burning utilized with smoking are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition temperature of both crude and refined cannabis products affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity, and tracheobronchial tree from pyrollytic breakdown products.[iii]

Rick Simpson, the man in the documentary below, has been making hemp oil and sharing it with friends and neighbors without charging for it. In small doses, he says, it makes you well without getting you high. “Well you can’t deny your own eyes can you?” Simpson asks. “Here’s someone dying of cancer and they’re not dying anymore. I don’t care if the medicine comes from a tomato plant, potato plant or a hemp plant, if the medicine is safe and helps and works, why not use it?” he asks.

When a person has cancer and is dying this question reaches a critical point. The bravery of Rick Simpson from Canada in showing us how to make hemp oil for ourselves offers many people a hope that should be increasingly appreciated as money dries up for expensive cancer treatments. We are going to need inexpensive medicines in the future and there is nothing better than the ones we can make reasonably cheaply ourselves.

For most people in the world it is illegal so the choice could come down to breaking the law or dying. There is no research to indicate what advantages oral use of hemp oil vs. vaporization but we can assume that advantage would be nutritional with oral intake. Dr. Budwig Below work would sustain this point of view especially for cancer patients.

The Science
According to Dr. Robert Ramer and Dr. Burkhard Hinz of the University of Rostock in Germany medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for cancer.[v] Their research was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute Advance Access on December 25th of 2007 in a paper entitled Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1.

The biggest contribution of this breakthrough discovery, is that the expression of TIMP-1 was shown to be stimulated by cannabinoid receptor activation and to mediate the anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. Prior to now the cellular mechanisms underlying this effect were unclear and the relevance of the findings to the behavior of tumor cells in vivo remains to be determined.

Marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half, a 2007 Harvard Medical School study shows.[vi] The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

This is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy. THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors.

“The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer,” said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine. Acting through cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, endocannabinoids (as well as THC) are thought to play a role in variety of biological functions, including pain and anxiety control, and inflammation.

Researchers reported in the August 15, 2004 issue of Cancer Research, the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, that marijuana’s constituents inhibited the spread of brain cancer in human tumor biopsies.[vii] In a related development, a research team from the University of South Florida further noted that THC can also selectively inhibit the activation and replication of gamma herpes viruses. The viruses, which can lie dormant for years within white blood cells before becoming active and spreading to other cells, are thought to increase one’s chances of developing cancers such as Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease.[viii]

In 1998, a research team at Madrid’s Complutense University discovered that THC can selectively induce programmed cell death in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting surrounding healthy cells. Then in 2000, they reported in the journal Nature Medicine that injections of synthetic THC eradicated malignant gliomas (brain tumors) in one-third of treated rats, and prolonged life in another third by six weeks.[ix]

Led by Dr. Manuel Guzman the Spanish team announced they had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC. They reported in the March 2002 issue of “Nature Medicine” that they injected the brains of 45 rats with cancer cells, producing tumors whose presence they confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On the 12th day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with Win-55,212-2 a synthetic compound similar to THC.[x]

Researchers at the University of Milan in Naples, Italy, reported in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana inhibited the growth of glioma cells in a dose-dependent manner, and selectively targeted and killed malignant cells through apoptosis. “Non-psychoactive CBD produce[s] a significant anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent.”[xi]

The first experiment documenting pot’s anti-tumor effects took place in 1974 at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government. The results of that study, reported in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, were that marijuana’s psychoactive component, THC, “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”[xii]

Funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia. The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research even though the researchers “found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”

“Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids,” an article in a 1975 Journal of the National Cancer Institute reports, “Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN)” — two types of cannabinoids, a family of active components in marijuana. “Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and CBN had reduced primary tumor size.”

Marijuana relieves pain that narcotics like morphine and OxyContin
have hardly any effect on, and could help ease suffering from
illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes and cancer.[xiii]

According to Devra Davis in her book Secret History of the War on Cancer, 1.5 million lives have been lost because Americans failed to act on existing knowledge about the environmental causes of cancer. It is impossible to calculate the added deaths from suppressed ‘cancer cures’ but we do know of the terrible suffering of hundreds of thousands of people who have been jailed for marijuana use.

Hemp oil with THC included has the making of a primary cancer treatment, which even alone seems to have a great chance of turning the tide against cancer tumors. It has the added advantage of safety, ease of use, lack of side effects and low cost if one makes it oneself. Surrounded by other medicinal anti-cancer substances in a full protocol it’s hard to imagine anyone failing and falling in their war on cancer.

THC should be included in every cancer protocol.

Sodium bicarbonate is another excellent anti tumor substance that reduces tumors but is much more difficult to administer than THC hemp oil. Cannabinoids are able to pass through all barriers in the body like Alpha Lipoic Acid so simple oral intake is sufficient. With bicarbonate we need intravenous applications and often even this is not sufficient, often we have to use catheters and few doctors in the world are willing to administer this way.

In the end all cancer treatments that are not promoted by mainstream oncology are illegal. No licensed doctor is going to claim that are curing cancer with sodium bicarbonate though they will treat people with cancer explaining they are balancing pH or some other metabolic profile with this common emergency room medicine found also most kitchens of the world. More than several states have passed laws making medical marijuana legal but the federal government will not relax and let people be free to choose their treatments even if their lives depend on it.

Davis notes that the cowardice of research scientists, who publish thoroughly referenced reports but pull their punches at the end, by claiming that more research needs to be done before action can be taken. Statements like these are exploited by industry that buys time to make much more money. It is a deliberate attempt that creates wholesale public doubt from small data gaps and remaining scientific uncertainties.

They have done that with everything right up to and including sunlight. Everything is thought to be dangerous except the pharmaceutical drugs which are the most dangerous substances of all. Stomach wrenching chemotherapy and the death principle of radiation are legal yet safe THC laden hemp oil is not.

It is legal for doctors to attack people with their poisons but you can go to jail for trying to save yourself or a loved one from cancer with the oil of a simple garden weed. Our civilization has put up with this insanity but there is a great price being paid. In a mad medical world people die that need not and this is a terrible sadness that has destroyed the integrity and ethics of modern medicine.

The science for the use of hemp oil is credible, specific fact-based, and is documented in detail.[xiv] There is absolutely no reason to not legalize medical marijuana and create an immediate production and distribution of THC hemp oil to cancer patients. Unfortunately we live in a world populated with governments and medical henchmen who would rather see people die cruel deaths then have access to a safe and effect cancer drug.

Meanwhile the Food and Drug Administration approved Genentech’s best-selling drug, Avastin, as a treatment for breast cancer, in a decision, according to the New York Times, “that appeared to lower the threshold somewhat for approval of certain cancer drugs. The big question was whether it was enough for a drug temporarily to stop cancer from worsening — as Avastin had done in a clinical trial — or was it necessary for a drug to enable patients to live longer, which Avastin had failed to do. Oncologists and patient advocates were divided, in part because of the drug’s sometimes severe side effects.”[xv]

The differences between Avastin and hemp oil are huge. First Avastin will earn Genentech hundreds of millions where THC hemp oil will earn no one anything. Second there are no severe or even mild side effects to taking hemp oil and lastly it is not a temporary answer but a real solution. Certainly hemp oil will ensure a longer life.

Najveći broj negativnih stavova protiv upotrebe marihuane u bilo kakve svrhe je dolazio (pa i dalje dolazi) od ljudi koji uopšte nisu probali marihuanu ali su zato imali tvrd i nepromenljiv odnos prema njoj.

Sve negde do polovine osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, svako je mogao da kaže šta god želi o marihuani. Tako je najveći broj negativnih stavova protiv upotrebe marihuane u bilo kakve svrhe dolazio (pa i dalje dolazi) od ljudi koji uopšte nisu probali marihuanu ali su zato imali tvrd i nepromenljiv odnos prema njoj. U tu skupinu spadaju i oni koji su bučno tražili zabranu ove biljke samo zato da bi time skrenuli pažnju sa svojih problema.

Takvo društveno licemerje je na brilijantan način raskrinkao češki reditelj Miloš Forman u "Svlačenju", svom prvom filmu koji je snimio po dolasku u Ameriku. U tom malom i nedovoljno poznatom filmu, on pokazuje kako roditelji razdragano koriste istu tu biljku koju smatraju najgorim otrovom kada je koriste njihova deca. Formanova poruka je sasvim jasna: Ako hoćete nešto da kritikujete ili zabranite, utvrdite sami o čemu je reč. Ne mora to uvek da bude lično iskustvo, ali bar sakupite dovoljno informacija, i negativnih i pozitivnih. To je jedini način da donesete razumnu odluku, bez obzira na to kakav je zvaničan stav vlasti, škole, crkve ili drugih institucija.

Polovinom osamdesetih (možda i malo ranije) stvari su se izmenile u naučnom pogledu. Naime, tada je utvrđeno da svi sisari – posebno ljudi – imaju u sebi urođeni kanabiodni sistem. Drugim rečima, to znači da čovekov organizam sam proizvodi svoju marihuanu, tj. da je čovek marihuana koja hoda. Pronađene su dve vrste receptora.u mozgu, kičmenoj moždini i nervnim ćelijama. Ti receptori podešeni su, da tako kažemo, za prijem anandamida, supstance nalik na THC (glavni sastojak u marihuani) koje naše telo proizvodi u trenucima kada treba da se bori protiv bola, anksioznosti i depresije. Kada osetimo bol, telo luči anandamid koji se vezuje za kanaboidne receptore i dopinosi smanjenju bola, ali ne traje dugo jer ga unišavaju enzimi tolikom brzinom da telo ne može samo da stvori toliko anandamida da bismo se "sami od sebe" naduvali.

Za to je ipak potrebna veća količina kanabinoida koju će receptori uspeti da sačuvaju od proždrljivih enzima. Dalje dejstvo marihuane je dobro poznato: čovek se oseća relaksirano, blago i vedro, pa je i opažanje bola znatno umerenije i blaže. Zbog toga je marihuana proglašena za medicinsku biljku i danas je lekari u mnogim zemljama već rutinski prepisuju za neka od najtežih oboljenja, pogotovo za ona sa jakim hroničnim bolom. Marihuana deluje kao sredstvo za opuštanje te je stoga koriste oboleli od multiple skleroze. Marihuana se takođe pokazala kao efikasno sredstvo za obolele od side, odnosno kao sredstvo koje poboljšava apetit takvih bolesnika.

Države koje žele da budu viđene kao savremene demokratske tvorevine moraće da omoguće svojim teško obolelim građanima siguran i zakonom regulisan način distribucije marihuane. Ako se to ne uradi, onda će ih država istovremeno nagrađivati i kažnjavati. Naime, bolesnik kome je odobrena marihuana kao lek, može taj lek jedino da kupi od nekog preprodavca droge na ulici (dilera) čime automatski vrši prekršaj i dovodi sebe u opasnost da bude uhapšen. Da se to ne bi događalo, najbolje bi bilo da države donesu zakone o dekriminalizaciji marihuane, čime bi se utvrdila količina dotične supstance koja bi bila zakonski dopuštena. Svaka država bi takođe morala da nađe legalnog proizvođača marihuane koji bi proizvodio potrebne količine ove lekovite biljke ali sa određenim (visokim) procentom THC-a, čime se obezbeđuje efikasno delovanje ovog prirodnog leka.

Dodajmo na kraju da se tek očekuju dalja istraživanja mogućeg antikarcenogenog delovanja marihuane, ali da su prvi nalazi izuzetno ohrabrujući. Pokazalo se da neki prečišćeni oblici glavnih sastojaka marihuane mogu da navedu ćelije raka (uključujući i rak dojke) da same sebe ubijaju, odnosno, da same sebe uništavaju nakon što prestanu da se dele i dalje šire.

Marihuana je jedna od najzanimljivijih i najtajanstvenijih biljaka na našoj planeti, koja je istovremeno i jedna od najkorisnijih biljaka kada je reč o njenoj upotrebi u zdravstvene svrhe. Ne postoji nijedan zabeležen primer da je neko nastradao od upotrebe marihuane, ali zato postoje bezbrojniji primeri napada na nju i na njena svojstva, od kojih se ona dosada uvek uspešno odbranila. Neprijatelji marihuane predstavljaju je u najgorem svetlu jer ako izgube bitku sa onima koji podržavaju marihuanu, onda oni mogu da izgube i na ostalim frontovima. Naravno, ne treba zbog toga likovati, jer zloupotreba narkotika i dalje predstavlja ozbiljnu opasnost i nikada ne treba prestati sa edukacijom mladih u odnosu sa tzv. "teškim drogama". Sve bolesti zavisnosti - uključujući upotrebu alkohola i duvana - predstavljaju veliku opasnost za društvo i ne treba prestati sa borbom protiv njih i kriminalnih aktivnosti koje ih prate. Međutim, marihuana definitivno ne spada u njih i ne može da se tumači kao prvi korak na putu u narkomaniju. Ta tvrdnja, koju neprijatelji marihuane neprekidno ponavljaju, jednostavno rečeno nije tačna. ... koja-hoda/" target="_blank
Last year, the National Cancer Institute — “the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research” — created a stir by publishing the truth: the molecules found in pot kill breast and lung cancers in lab tests. Marijuana remains a federally illegal, schedule 1 drug with “no medical use” and “a high potential for abuse”, so the NCI was pressured to take down the statement. But it remains.

Last week, a press release falsely attributed to NBC News indicated that the NCI’s statement was new. It’s not. But it’s worth repeating: pot kills cancer, so why is the federal government arresting hundreds of medical cannabis patients and providers across the country?

Here’s the germane NCI statement:

“Studies in mice and rats have shown that cannabinoids may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.

A study in mice showed that cannabinoids may protect against inflammation of the colon and may have potential in reducing the risk of colon cancer, and possibly in its treatment.

A laboratory study of delta-9-THC in hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) cells showed that it damaged or killed the cancer cells. The same study of delta-9-THC in mouse models of liver cancer showed that it had antitumor effects. Delta-9-THC has been shown to cause these effects by acting on molecules that may also be found in non-small cell lung cancer cells and breast cancer cells.

A laboratory study of cannabidiol in estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells showed that it caused cancer cell death while having little effect on normal breast cells.”

How many people have pot prohibition killed, in terms of cancer patients not treated and research not done? Marijuana: Gateway to Health author Clint Werner says potentially tens of thousands.

“These federal policies hurt people. That’s one reason I get angry. When you know these compounds block the progression of cancer and you do research to promote the idea that it doesn’t work, when it really does — this is evil. It’s a moral evil to keep people from having these remedies.”

For more on cannabis and cancer, read my interview in CULTURE magazine with Dr. Donald Abrams, chief of Oncology and Hematology at San Francisco General Hospital.
By space_oddity
Evo, ja ću zabeležiti svoje iskustvo. Jedina stvar koja mi pomaže sa nesanicom (koja me gadno muči), s obzirom na to da izbegavam 'lekove za spavanje' zbog silnih nuspojava.
No, opet, čini mi se da se narednog dana probudim u nekom bezveznijem stanju. Ali makar spavam.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Baš odavno htedoh ovde da pišem, imam slično iskustvo kao odislavka.

Naime ja imam ovo ... e_disorder" target="_blank

Affected people often report that while they do not get to sleep until the early morning, they do fall asleep around the same time every day. Unless they have another sleep disorder such as sleep apnea in addition to DSPD, patients can sleep well and have a normal need for sleep. However, they find it very difficult to wake up in time for a typical school or work day. If, however, they are allowed to follow their own schedules, e.g. sleeping from 3 a.m. to noon (03:00 to 12:00), they sleep soundly, awaken spontaneously, and do not experience excessive daytime sleepiness

Pošto sedative ne želim da konzumiram a i nisu rešenje kod ovog stanja, jer nije insomnija u pitanju, povremeno kad baš imam probleme koristim vu. Od nje zaspim divno, u doba u koje "normalni" ljudi legnu, probudim se izuzetno odmorna - što nije slučaj kad uzmem fenergan koji nije sedativ već antihistaminik ali može da se koristi povremeno za spavanje.

Pored toga, vu mi pomaže u daleko bolnijem problemu - imam problem sa kičmom, jedan pršljen mi je malo veći nego što treba i povremeno ume jako da me muči išijas. Pošto sam alergična na 5 grupa lekova, ne preporučuje mi se da koristim lekove kad baš ne moram da ne bih postala rezistentna ili alergična i na ono što smem - vu mi izuzetno pomaže za bolove, opusti mi mišiće i bol je daleko manji, čak i kad dejstvo prestane.

Problem mi je što kod pušenja vu mi bronhije budu jako iritirane, pa se trudim da je kuvam ali mi za to treba veća količina a nisam u finansijskoj situaciji da to mogu uvek da radim. Water pipe koji hladi bi trebalo da pomaže ali ja imam dve leve ruke tako da bih volela da mogu da je negde kupim.
By barni
[url=]Hys. napisao:[/url]

Pored toga, vu mi pomaže u daleko bolnijem problemu - imam problem sa kičmom, jedan pršljen mi je malo veći nego što treba i povremeno ume jako da me muči išijas. Pošto sam alergična na 5 grupa lekova, ne preporučuje mi se da koristim lekove kad baš ne moram da ne bih postala rezistentna ili alergična i na ono što smem - vu mi izuzetno pomaže za bolove, opusti mi mišiće i bol je daleko manji, čak i kad dejstvo prestane.
jesi li probala tetrazepam?
mene je nedavno uhvatio isijas, prvi put u zivotu, tek je sve proslo posto mi je jedan rodjak izvukao noge, legnes stomakom na cvrstu podlogu taj neko trzajem ti povuce noge unazad.. bitno je da si opusten.
Mene je proslo vec sutradana a pre toga nisam mogao ustati iz kreveta.
Korisnikov avatar
By Anhedonie
jao ja sam imao pre tacno godinu dana isijas/nesto sa donjim delom kicme, i ne bih ni u ludilu smeo da dam nekom da me trzne, jos da budem opusten :lol: sad imam problema sa vratom, vec 5ti dan mi je ukocen i jedan dzoint bi mi sad taaaako dobro dosao, uf :vruce:

izgleda ja tako sa pocetkom zime se ukocim negde obavezno.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Tetrazepan pripada grupi benzodiazepini, koju izbegavam (bensedin, lorazepan i ostale miline tu pripadaju) Thc za razliku od njih ne izaziva fizicku zavisnost.

Isijas kad je pod teskom upalom mora da se pre svega lagano smiruje, nikakvim trzajima, mada verujem da ti je on namestio nesto i da ti je pomoglo. Ja kad imam problem sa kicmom ne mogu cesto da se pomerim a kamoli da lezem na podloge i trzam se, nikako to raditi, a-a.
By space_oddity
A Sanval? Nije benzo. Doduše može da bude zajeban i on.
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
More than a dozen U.S. states have now completely decriminalized the act of possessing marijuana and both Colorado and Washington have made it legal to possess, sell, transport and cultivate the plant. But soon it may be legalized across the entire country following a decision Thursday by the federal government.

In a historic and significant moment in American history, last November, Colorado became the first US state to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The impact of the decision could soon ripple across the entire country with vast opportunities to educate millions on the top health benefits of marijuana.

With the passage of I-502 in the 2012 Washington State election, marijuana also became legal in Washington–not just for medical use, but also for recreational use–and Alaska, California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, and Vermont have all decriminalized marijuana.

Consumption and sale of marijuana is still illegal in all other states, though some cities and towns have passed local laws decriminalizing it or making it a low priority for law enforcement officers.

There are also movements in many states to legalize pot, including legalization bills introduced in many other states.

For other states to mimic the systems in Colorado and Washington, they will first have to get legalization laws on their ballots or in their state houses, which could post a challenge, he said.

After Washington state and Colorado passed laws in November 2012 legalizing the consumption and sale of marijuana for adults over 18, lawmakers in both states waited to see whether the federal government would continue to prosecute pot crimes under federal statutes in their states.

Both Colorado and Washington have been working to set up regulatory systems in order to license and tax marijuana growers and retail sellers, but have been wary of whether federal prosecutors would come after them for doing so. They are the first states to legalize pot, and therefore to go through the process of trying to set up a regulatory system.

Ruling Signals The End is Near For Marijuana Prohibition

Last Thursday, the Department of Justice announced that it would not prosecute marijuana crimes that were legal under state law, a move that could signal the end of the country’s longtime prohibition on pot is nearing. “It certainly appears to be potentially the beginning of the end,” said Paul Armantano, deputy director of the pot lobby group NORML.

The memo sent to states Thursday by the DOJ said that as long as states set up comprehensive regulations governing marijuana, there would be no need for the federal government to step in, a decision that will save the Justice Department from having to use its limited resources on prosecuting individuals for growing or smoking marijuana.

“This memo appears to be sending the message to states regarding marijuana prohibition that is a recognition that a majority of the public and in some states majority of lawmakers no longer want to continue down the road of illegal cannabis, and would rather experiment with different regulatory schemes of license and retail sale of cannabis,” Armantano said.

In 2011 the federal government decreed that marijuana had no accepted medical use use and should remain classified as a highly dangerous drug like heroin. Accepting and promoting the powerful health benefits of marijuana would instantly cut huge profits geared towards cancer treatment and the U.S. would have to admit it imprisons the population for no cause. Nearly half of all drug arrests in the United States are for marijuana.

According to editor Richard Cowan, the answer is because it is a threat to cannabis prohibition “…there really is massive proof that the suppression of medical cannabis represents the greatest failure of the institutions of a free society, medicine, journalism, science, and our fundamental values,” Cowan notes.

While Colorado and Washington have not yet set up their regulatory systems, both states will likely sell licenses to farmers who want to grow marijuana as well as to manufacturing plants and retail sellers. The marijuana will also likely be taxed at each stage of its growth, processing, and sale.

“In both Colorado and Washington, legalization was done by citizens with no participation by elected representatives until they had to pass laws to comply with the initiative. In other initiative states I would expect such measures – I would expect a new one in California, for instance – and roughly half the states permit this and the rest don’t.

“In the states that do have initiatives I expect efforts to get it on the ballot. The other half it will be much tougher. It’s hard to get elected representatives to do this,” Collins said.

Armantano is more optimistic about the spread of legalized pot. He compared the DOJ’s announcement to the federal government’s actions toward the end of alcohol prohibition in America a century ago, when states decided to stop following the federal ban on alcohol sales and the federal government said it would not step in and prosecute crimes.

“For first time we now have clear message from fed government saying they will not stand in way of states that wish to implement alternative regulatory schemes in lieu of federal prohibition,” Armantano said.

He predicted that within the next one to three years, five or six other states may join Colorado and Washington in legalizing the drug, setting the stage for the rest of the country to follow.

The Age of Deception is Ending

In 2003, the U.S. Government as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services filed for, and was awarded a patent on cannabinoids. The reason? Because research into cannabinoids allowed pharmaceutical companies to acquire practical knowledge on one of the most powerful antioxidants and neuroprotectants known to the natural world.

The U.S. Patent 6630507 was specifically initiated when researchers found that cannabinoids had specific antioxidant properties making them useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.

Besides the top 10 health benefits below, findings published in the journalPLoS ONE, researchers have now have now discovered that marijuana-like chemicals trigger receptors on human immune cells that can directly inhibit a type of human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) found in late-stage AIDS.

Recent studies have even shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia, a disease many other studies have inconsistently found it causing.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana

1. Cancer
Cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals and also kill cancer cells. Western governments have known this for a long time yet they continued to suppress the information so that cannabis prohibition and the profits generated by the drug industry proliferated.

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

2. Tourette’s Syndrome
Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by uncontrollable facial grimaces, tics, and involuntary grunts, snorts and shouts.

Dr. Kirsten Mueller-Vahl of the Hanover Medical College in Germany led a team that investigated the effects of chemicals called cannabinols in 12 adult Tourette’s patients. A single dose of the cannabinol produced a significant reduction in symptoms for several hours compared to placebo, the researchers reported.

3. Seizures

Marijuana is a muscle relaxant and has “antispasmodic” qualities that have proven to be a very effective treatment for seizures. There are actually countless cases of people suffering from seizures that have only been able to function better through the use of marijuana.

4. Migraines

Since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California, doctors have reported that they have been able to treat more than 300,000 cases of migraines that conventional medicine couldn’t through marijuana.

5. Glaucoma

Marijuana’s treatment of glaucoma has been one of the best documented. There isn’t a single valid study that exists that disproves marijuana’s very powerful and popular effects on glaucoma patients.

6. Multiple Sclerosis

Marijuana’s effects on multiple sclerosis patients became better documented when former talk-show host, Montel Williams began to use pot to treat his MS. Marijuana works to stop the neurological effects and muscle spasms that come from the fatal disease.

7. ADD and ADHD

A well documented USC study done about a year ago showed that marijuana is not only a perfect alternative for Ritalin but treats the disorder without any of the negative side effects of the pharmaceutical.

8. IBS and Crohn’s

Marijuana has shown that it can help with symptoms of the chronic diseases as it stops nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

9. Alzheimer’s

Despite what you may have heard about marijuana’s effects on the brain, the Scripps Institute, in 2006, proved that the THC found in marijuana works to prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking the deposits in the brain that cause the disease.

10. Premenstrual Syndrome

Just like marijuana is used to treat IBS, it can be used to treat the cramps and discomfort that causes PMS symptoms. Using marijuana for PMS actually goes all the way back to Queen Victoria.

Mounting Evidence Suggests Raw Cannabis is Best

Cannabinoids can prevent cancer, reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%. Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney recommends drinking 4 – 8 ounces of raw flower and leaf juice from any Hemp plant, 5 mg of Cannabidiol (CBD) per kg of body weight, a salad of Hemp seed sprouts and 50 mg of THC taken in 5 daily doses.

Why raw? Heat destroys certain enzymes and nutrients in plants. Incorporating raw cannabis allows for a greater availability of those elements. Those who require large amounts of cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects need to look no further than raw cannabis. In this capacity, it can be used at 60 times more tolerance than if it were heated.
Raw cannabis is considered by many experts as a dietary essential. As a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, raw cannabis may be right u there with garlic and tumeric.

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

About the Author

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.
Despite the fact that the temperature in its capital city reached a balmy 79 degrees today, Uruguay just became the coolest nation on the planet. The other 195 countries squatting space on the big, blue marble who are too afraid to legalize marijuana should keep their eyes trained on the 68,000 square miles contained within Uruguay’s borders, if only to assuage their fears of an impending legal-marijuana zombie apocalypse. Pot is legal in Uruguay, and HIGH TIMES is not afraid to predict that there will be no cannajunkies mainlining THC on its streets anytime soon. The tides will continue to rise and fall on Uruguay’s sovereign shores, the sun will still rise and set over its land, and life in República Oriental del Uruguay will proceed as normal.

Yesterday, Uruguay’s senate gave congressional approval to a plan that will create a legal marketplace for marijuana. The government intends to control all aspects of the new industry, from farmer to consumer. Uruguayan citizens will be able to buy up to 40 grams a month at pharmacies, and obtain licenses to cultivate up to six plants at home. Cooperatives, known as “growers clubs,” will be allowed to cultivate up to 99 plants collectively.

It’s a move that has been anticipated for some time. Last October in Denver, at the 2013 Drug Reform Policy Conference, Uruguay’s drug czar openly acknowledged Colorado’s impending legalization a model for his own country. Julio Calzada toured dispensaries and growrooms, then declared, “We have thousands of deaths, simply a product of prohibition. And here you have a very regulated market, marijuana that is produced in a controlled fashion. That is where we are going.” Last Sunday, when interviewed by the Brazilian daily, A Folha de São Paulo, Uruguay’s President José Mujica made a global plea for help in his country’s efforts.

“We ask the world to help us create this experience. It will allow us to adopt a socio-political experiment to address the serious problem of drug trafficking… the effect of the drug traffic is worse than the drug.”

What will be interesting to see is whether the other nations in South and Central America, all of whom bear the scars of the Drug War in one form or another, will follow suit. The phrase “domino theory” was used during the Cold War to describe a doomsday scenario whereby countries fall one-by-one to communism, and to justify Vietnam body counts and Latin American Death Squads. We hope the phrase will be redeemed in regards to drug policy in those countries existing south of the Rio Grande, and who bear the brunt of the violence associated with America’s unquenchable thirst for narcotics. There is plenty of evidence to believe that Uruguay might only be the first in a succession of countries to defy Washington’s militaristic model for confronting the western hemisphere’s drug problem. Last June, a coalition of 160 civil rights groups sent an open letter to the Organization of American States General Assembly Meeting in Antigua, Guatemala, calling on, “Our governments to acknowledge the failed security policies that have militarized citizen security and only exacerbated the problem, and are directly contributing to increased human suffering in the region.” The OAS itself issued a report indicating, “A willingness to explore nontraditional approaches to the subject.”

Just days before the historic vote in Uruguay an unlikely supporter weighed in on the subject of legal marijuana in the Americas. William Jefferson Clinton, America’s inhalation-impaired 42nd President commented to Fusion TV, “The drug issue should be decided by people in each country, based on what they think is right… We have a process in America for doing it that’s being revisited state by state. And Latin America is free to do the same thing….It’s obvious that attitudes are changing and opening up.”

As to Slick Willy’s change of heart, HIGH TIMES says, “Better late than never.” According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, marijuana arrests during the Clinton administration rose annually from 342,314 in 1992, when he was elected, to 734,498 in 2000, his last full year in office -- a record high at the time.
A new study published in the most recent issue of the journal Phytomedicine, and published online by the National Institute of Health, has found that cannabis-basedcannabisbud medicines may provide a cure for colon cancer.
For the study, researchers “investigated the effect of a standardized Cannabis sativa extract with high content of cannabidiol (CBD), here named CBD BDS, i.e. CBD botanical drug substance, on colorectal cancer cell proliferation and in experimental models of colon cancer in vivo.”
While conducting the study, it was found that; “CBD reduced cell proliferation in tumoral, but not in healthy, cells. In vivo, CBD reduced AOM-induced preneoplastic lesions and polyps as well as tumour growth in the xenograft model of colon cancer.”
Researchers conclude that “CBD attenuates colon carcinogenesis and inhibits colorectal cancer cell proliferation via CB1 and CB2 receptor activation. The results may have some clinical relevance for the use of Cannabis-based medicines in cancer patients.” ... cer-cells/" target="_blank
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By Galadriel
#2614865 ... lar-cancer" target="_blank

Marijuana use may increase risk of testicular cancer
A new study from USC has found a link between recreational marijuana use and an increased risk of developing subtypes of testicular cancer that tend to carry a somewhat worse prognosis.

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