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Moderatori: KorvinOdAmbera, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Srklet
#2727009" target="_blank

In human sexuality, slut-shaming is a form of social stigma applied to people who are perceived to violate traditional expectations for sexual behaviors, commonly applied to women and girls. Some examples of circumstances where women are "slut-shamed" include violating accepted dress codes by dressing in perceived sexually provocative ways, requesting access to birth control,[1][2][3] having premarital, casual, or promiscuous sex, or being raped or otherwise sexually assaulted (which is known as victim blaming).[4]


Gay men have traditionally been relatively tolerant of promiscuity. However, this changed considerably with the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. Condom use as a safe sex practise became prominent in the late 1980s as a result of the AIDS epidemic,[22] though the availability of antibiotics and antiretroviral drugs in advanced economies has led to condom fatigue among men who have sex with men.[23] Some public health officials argue that the government should promote increased condom use among gay men, while others believe the government should promote pre-exposure prophylaxis for prevention of HIV/AIDS using drugs like Truvada.[24][25][26] Some people argue that public health officials are slut-shaming men who are unwilling to use condoms. Some reports indicate that gay men who use Truvada to lower their risk of contracting HIV are shamed for doing so, based on perceptions that Truvada users are more promiscuous.[27][28]

Some gay rights activists have said that environments which have slut-shaming are more likely to lead to gay men engaging in practices which lead to increased rates of HIV infection.[29]

jeste li bili žrtva i/ili počinitelj slut-shaminga? :petra:

bio sam oboje. :drama:
By Sixto
Slucaj sa truvadom je ipak nesto sto prevazilazi dimenziju slut-shaminga...

Eksplozija entuzijazma zbog truvade i posledicno uvecanje broja partnera je ekvivalent necemu tipa "Ej hladno nam je u basti, ajmo uci u kafic... Nema potrebe, zagrejacemo celu ulicu."
Korisnikov avatar
By bern
meni to to malo nejasno. šta se tu tačno blati? seksualna praksa ili mnogo seksualnih partnera (gdje je "mnogo partnera" = "više od mene").

mene je teško začuditi seksualnim ponašanjem, ali sam vrlo skeptičan kad su autentilnost i emotivna zrelost (i potencijal) u pitanju.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Pomesao si zabe i babe u uvodnom.

Ne samo ti, i ti vajni koje citiras.

Some gay rights activists have said that environments which have slut-shaming are more likely to lead to gay men engaging in practices which lead to increased rates of HIV infection.

To brate ko o pop psihologija.... joj previse sam umorna i cirke da sad ja tu sve objasnim sta skroz nije ok sa tim navodima.


Cela poenta je - ako se osobe ponasaju odgovorno, a u to in maj buk APSOLUTNO kapiraju koriscenje zastite sa nepoznatim partnerima, nema tu nikaki' problema.

Shejmujem u glavi ljude koji se neodgovorno ponasaju prema psihickom i fizickom zdravlju drugih ljudi. Sta sebi rade, to je njihovo, ali ugrozavanje okoline mi je nononono.

A dal ce se jebe sa drugim svako vece, to nikad nisam osudjivala.

Tako da ne, ne mislim da sam radila slat shejming. Ionako sam ja *wona bi slat.

*srbija je deficitarna u butchicama, pa jos intelektualno zanimljivim (sve neka dizel deca il radikalne tete), na sta mi se dize, samo zato vona bi.
Korisnikov avatar
By antibiotic
"slut-shaming is a form of social stigma applied to .... women and girls."
bilo da se koristi da bi se osudilo promiskuitetno i/ili rizicno ponasenje gay muskaraca ili bilo kog drugog u sebi sadrzi ovu osnovnu definiciju
Korisnikov avatar
By gossip
nothing wrong with being a slut (muska ili zenska) i ja sam-sam u odredjenim periodima total slut,samo sto u zivotu nisam imao bareback sex niti cu ikada,cak i kada bi ova truvada stuff bila dostupna i kod nas opet je ne bih koristio jer pobogu ima i drugih bolestina sem hiv-a....kakve sam sve horore cuo...ako je neko odgovoran prema svom i tudjem zdravlju....nothing wrong with being a slut then :up:
Korisnikov avatar
By Pauceti
I'm an ethical slut:
a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you.

The term is reclaimed from its usual use as a pejorative and as a simple label for a promiscuous person. Instead, it is used to signify a person who is accepting of their enjoyment of sex and the pleasure of physical intimacy with others, and chooses to engage and accept these in an ethical and open way—rather than as cheating.

iz: The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities
Korisnikov avatar
By Madonna
Ne osecam se kao kurva pa nemam problem
By Sixto
Lako je biti "postena" kad te niko nece! ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By ZlatnaPtica
What Pauceti said.

Ne šejmujem, a šejmovali su mene, ali me baš nešto zabole piša. :minibounce:
Korisnikov avatar
By Alex731
Ma ne vidim što je taj tzv shaming uopšte problem :D
Šejmuju 3 vrste ljudi, oni koji bi rado spavali ceo fudbalski klub za jedno veče, ali nisam ja takva, šta će varoš reći, oni koji su to uradili, ali tajno, pa sad pljuju da ne bi varoš pomislila da su oni takvi, i trolovi koje baš boli piša sa kime ste bili ali hoće da isprovociraju reakciju ;) Prve 2 vrste treba odvući do kreveta/kauča/kuhinjskog pulta, a trolu se treba pridružiti pa zajedno sa njim šejmovati nekog trećeg :D
By OpetMacak86
Meni se od toga povraca...
Uopste,muka mi je od ljudi koji drugima drze svece i prebrojavaju sa koliko partnera je ko bio pa moralisu o tome.
Korisnikov avatar
By Zvonki
Zanimljivo,nemam nista protiv bilo koga ko vodi takav zivot,tj neka svako zivi kako hoce,promiskuitetne osobe su osobe koje su prazne iznutra tako ih vidim,mislim da takve osobe su emocionalno nezrele,necu da pominjem ljude koji ne koriste zastitu i nije ih briga da li ce nekoga zaraziti..elem apropo ove teme:
Ne volim ljude koji su zaista kurve ( glumi andjela sa svojim decko devojkom a sa strane skace sa kurca na kurac)
By whacked
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